Manage your Stages smart bike settings, update firmware, and record rides within the Stages Cycling app. To get started, download and install the corresponding app to your compatible mobile device:
Add your bike to the app
- To pair your SB20 to the Stages Cycling app, tap Devices, then select Add Device.
- From the list of Stages devices, select the StagesBike SB20.
- Select your Stages Bike SB20 from the list of available devices. If multiple SB20s are present, the bike names will include the last 4 digits of the serial number, which is printed on the inside of the front left fork of the bike.
- Confirm the Firmware is up to date, and select Done. If a firmware update is required, you can perform it now.
You have now successfully connected the Stages SB20 smart bike to the Stages Cycling app.
Using the device manager
Anytime you want to access your smart bike settings, select it from the Devices page of the Stages Cycling app. If your app is not set to auto-connect to the bike on app startup, tap the link icon on the right side of the screen to connect.
Tap the Data tab from the SB20 device manager page to view your current gear, power, cadence, and LR balance. To record your ride, see Record a Ride below.
Power meters
Under the Power meters tab, pair power meters, set crank length, and perform a zero reset on the power meters on your SB20.
Zero Resetting your Stages SB20 smart bike
Create new custom bike setups for your bike with personalized gearing and other settings on the Setups tab.
Record a Ride
To record an indoor ride on your SB20, first connect the bike under the devices menu, then tap on the Ride icon on the lower menu of the Stages Cycling app. Tap the green play icon to begin recording.
Whenever you have a Stages smart bike paired with the app, the smart bike control widget appears on the ride screen. Tap the control widget to choose a mode.
Select from the following control modes:
- External mode (disconnected link icon) does not control the bike's resistance. Use this mode if you have a secondary app connected to the bike to control the resistance, but are using the Stages Cycling app to record or view your gears.
- % Grade/Sim mode (mountain icon) sets the resistance based on a defined incline, such as a percentage grade up or down a hill. This mode simulates outdoor riding conditions. Your gears will still work as usual to adjust your pace to the virtual climb (or descent),
- Target power/Erg mode (lightning bolt icon) sets the power to a predefined target, such as 200 w. The resistance will adjust to your changes in cadence to keep a steady power output.
If you select % Grade or Target power mode, use the widget to set your resistance target using the +/- buttons or the zone slider (for power targets only).
In % Grade mode, you can also see your current gear reflected on the screen. Gear is not displayed on target power mode since the resistance is set to bring you to a power target regardless of the gear selected.
Erg workouts
Select a workout from the workouts tab to complete a workout in Workout Power mode. The app will automatically adjust the bike's target resistance based on the power prescribed in the selected workout. You can turn this mode off at any time if you prefer to use the bike's shifting controls to adjust the resistance.
Save your ride
After finishing your ride, tap the stop button. You can upload your ride to the Stages Cloud and any other connected third-party applications. To add more connections, tap on Profile > Connections.