Club Admins can set the default configuration for their club's classes, providing consistency across the club and ease when scheduling classes. Default configuration settings include: extend class, display class, auto-start class, opening time, and default gauge.
- Extend class
- Display class
- Auto-start classes by default
- Set default opening time for booking
- Default Gauge
To set the club’s default configuration:
- Log in to using your Club Admin credentials.
- Scroll down the menu on the left-hand side, and click on LOCATIONS under ADMIN.
- Select the correct club in the drop-down menu, then click on VIEW.
- Scroll down the menu or click on CONFIGURATION in the right-side menu.
Extend class

Type the default number of minutes the instructor can extend the class when teaching. There is a 10-minute maximum for this setting. When a class is scheduled to finish, the instructor will receive a message on the remote control asking if they want to extend the class. If they select yes, the class will be extended by the set default time, allowing the instructor to finish the class. The class ends when the instructor clicks on END CLASS on the remote control.
Display class
Type the number of minutes before class begins when the class details display on the class screen. The time range for this setting is 1 minute to 30 minutes. This time lets the instructor prepare and manage the classroom and gives the riders time to get settled and find their gauges on the screen. If your club has back-to-back classes, keep this time setting short; so the class details for the next class don't overlap the class before it.
Auto-start classes by default
Toggle ON (blue) if you want the class to auto-start by default. Changes to the default settings can be made at the scheduler level and will override the default club setting for that class only.
Set default opening time for booking
Toggle ON (blue) and set the time the class opens for booking in the pop-up window, then click on SET. The set time is when club members can see and book a class. The time can be as short as 15 minutes before class or as long as 30 days in advance. Changes to the default settings can be made at the scheduler level and will override the default club setting for that class only.
Default Gauge
Select the default gauge that will display on the screen at the beginning of class. Choose from Bike Number, Watt + HR, FTP, Compliance, and more. Click on a gauge to select it, then click on the X to exit the menu. Change the gauge in the scheduler or from the remote control during class.