Step by step guide to installing or re-wrapping the handle bar tape. Estimated time – 30 minutes
Tools required
- Scissors
- Box Knife or razor blade
- Electrical tape
Replacement parts required
- 971-0144 Stages Bike Handlebar Tape (optional)
Replacement instructions
Unwrap existing bar tape
Pull back the brake hood from bar tape to expose covered area.
At the top of the tape or center of the handle bar, remove decorative finishing tape and set aside if necessary.
Remove electrical tape and discard.
Unwrap bar tape to expose Hood/Shifter assembly and sprint shift buttons.
If desired, the sprint shift buttons can be moved to the tops of bars or another preferred location before re-wrapping the bars.
Pay careful attention to the direction/pattern of the bar tape wrap at the brake hood and handle bar interface. You will need to repeat this orientation when finishing the installation.
Installing the new bar tape
To begin, make sure there isn’t any excessive material/residue left over form the original tape if wrapping an existing handle bar.
At one end of the bar tape, peel a portion of the protective mask off of the back. This will reveal the adhesive strip on the back of the tape. You will need to continuously remove the tape as you wrap the handle bar.
Begin the wrap by starting at the bottom of the handle bar. Align the end of the tape on the underside of the handle bar perpendicular to the bar. Ensure the cut end of the tape is pointing to the inside and there is approximately 3-5 mm of the bar tape extending off the edge of the handle bar.
Wrap one rotation (outside to inside) to cover the end of the tape from which point you want to start corkscrewing or angling the tape up the handle bar. The aim is to overlap the leading edge of the previous wrap with the trailing edge of the bar tape by about 5 - 10 mm. This distance will need to be adjusted as the shape of the bar changes and subsequent position of the tape adjusts.
Note: It is important to keep the bar tape slightly taught as you wrap it. This will ensure a smooth and lasting surface area over the course of use.
Overlay tape around the sprint shift buttons
As you wrap up the ‘drop section’ (below the brake hood) of the handle bar, take care to wrap evenly above and below the shift buttons. Make sure not to wrap over top of the individual buttons as this may cause malfunction of the system.
Wrapping the brake hood section of the handle bar
Once you have wrapped up to the underside of the brake hood, pause at the front of the handle bar with the tape just below the underside (about 5 mm).
From this point, wrap around the outside of the bar to behind the bar in an upward direction.
Continue up the inside of the handle bar and cross over the brake hood, coming back to the outside and the back of the handle bar.
Then continue back to the front underneath the brake hood to the outside of the handle bar. Make sure this last wrap underneath the brake hood is up against the junction between the hood and the handle bar.
Once back to the outside of the handle bar, wrap the tape back up an behind the bar as before, but directly vertical to come up over and back to the outside of the handle bar.
Then continue along the handlebar wrapping inside to outside, making the same overlapping layers as you did on the lower portion of the handle bar.
Adjust and trim bar tape
As you near the attachment point of the handle bar, pause about 2 inches from the clamp. You will notice the bar tape is wrapping at an angle to the bar.
In order to finish the tape with a straight edge 90 degrees to the handle bar, it is required to cut the bar tape perpendicular to the handle bar.
Note: It is typical to wrap and unwrap as you progress in order to achieve a smooth and adequate layering of the bar tape. In the event you run out of tape before the center of the handle bar, you will need to unwrap a portion of the tape and re-wrap the overlaying pattern to adequately extend the reach of the bar tape.
Apply finishing tape
Once you have achieved a smooth and consistent wrap, cut the end of the tape squarely. It is time to first apply a length of electrical tape to hold the bar tape in place.
Cut a length adequate enough to wrap about twice the circumference of the bar.
Make sure to warp the electrical tape in the same direction as the bar tape and align the edges evenly.
Next, using the finish tape provided in the kit or the original tape which was set aside. Cover the electrical tape in a similar fashion making a point to finish with the end of the tape on the underside of the handle bar. This will ensure the adhesion and longevity of the tape over the course of use.
Lastly, install the bar end plug in to the end of the handle bar. You will want to fold the extended edges of the bar tape in and then insert the cap. This will provide a nice smooth finish to the bar tape and ensure the plug stays in place throughout the use of the bike.
Reposition the brake hood
Unfurl the brake hood back in to position. Reposition the edges as necessary.
Ride and have fun!