Stages Cycling app
If you are using the ride recording feature in the Ride menu, select the StagesBike tab and set the bike to External control.
However, if you are using the Data screen on the Stages Cycling app, there is no need to set a control mode.
App set up
Create an account or sign in.

Note: The Wahoo SYSTM application is for Workouts only and will automatically place the bike into ERG mode.
Select the Library menu.
Select the Cycling category or any category fitting your workout goals. Select a workout from the workouts library.
Click Start Workout to begin the workout.
The Pair devices screen will appear. Click the Add Devices button.
From the available devices list, select your Stages Bike.

Once the bike is connected, begin pedaling to confirm watts, RPM, and speed are displayed.
Click the X at the top right of the device page, start pedaling and your ride has begun!